From little idea to big family: my journey with the NACADA Well-being and Advisor Retention Community

In a nondescript Louisville restaurant, over conference lunch and a couple of beers, a small group of individuals came together to imagine a new academic advising community for NACADA, one focused on the well-being of all engaged in the advising project - staff and students alike. NACADA is the Global Community for Academic Advising; its website vision tells us that it's "the leading association globally for the advancement of student success through excellence in academic…

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Social Media Break

I have had the task of writing a blog post about leaving social media on my Asana for months - probably as long as I've left social media the task has been there. I'm not exactly sure what the block has been, but I'm starting to understand that I'm afraid of going back to social media. There's some trepidation about social comparison, but it's much more about contending with my own lack of self-control. It…

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